Indonesia Women's Right - Tempe-Urap

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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Indonesia Women's Right

women's rights are human rights

Intro of Women's Rights

Indonesia is a law-abiding country. Here law is the basis of every decision. Law is carried out fairly for men and women. And the state also regulates women's rights.

Record of events

Based on the 2017 Annual Note Komnas Perempuan's release, there were 259,150 cases of violence against women over the past year. Domestic violence (violence), violence against wives, ranks first with a total of 5,784 cases. The next case of courtship violence (2,171 cases) and violence against girls 1,799 cases. Other cases such as ex-husband violence, ex-girlfriends, and violence against domestic workers.

Cases of violence and discrimination against women show that awareness of understanding women's rights is still low. More and more pro-women policies are expected so that they can protect and support women's rights. International Women Day which is celebrated every March 8 can be a moment to understand women's rights.

The Women's Laws

In Indonesia there are several laws that support the existence of women.

Law No. 81 Article 81 Paragraph 1 of 2003 on Menstrual Leave

In the law it is explained if female workers who are in menstruation to feel ill and inform the employer, are not obliged to work on the first and second day of menstruation.

Labor Law No. 13 Year 2003 No. 76

Labor Law No. 13 of 2003 no. 76 states that female workers who are less than 18 (eighteen) years old are prohibited from being employed between 23:00 and 07:00. The Jam Entrepreneurs are required to provide shuttle transportation for female workers / laborers who depart and return to work between 23:00 and 05:00.
labor women's rights

Law No. 8 of 2012 on Politics

In this Act it is mentioned that women are entitled to politics by expressing their opinions. Women also have the right to choose and be elected members of the council.

PP No.61 of 2014 concerning Reproductive Health

This government regulation stipulates that women are entitled to reproductive health services since adolescence. Introduction to reproductive health issues for women.

Indonesia strongly recognizes the existence of women and places them in a good position to be respected

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